Last Updated on October 31, 2024

Experiencing stress can manifest in a variety of physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms.  I find that a lot of my clients don’t realize how stressed they really are and how stress manifests in their bodies, minds, and behaviors… or why that’s so concerning.

As a results-oriented professional, when my clients have stress symptoms it throws red flags for a few reasons.

Long story short, stress symptoms mean the nervous system is imbalanced and cortisol levels are too high. 🚩

When symptoms are present stress and cortisol levels have been too high, for too long to the point where it’s now affecting metabolism, health, mood, and weight. 🚩

When the nervous system and stress hormones are imbalanced, and cortisol is too high – it’ll be more difficult (for them) to burn fat, stay motivated, and feel good until stress levels and cortisol are reduced.  That’s because high cortisol levels put you at risk for weight gain, stubborn fat, and obesity.

All of my clients who struggle with stubborn fat or weight loss also struggle with stress and have stress symptoms.

All of my clients who used to be fit/at their goal weight have ended up gaining weight due to stress and now have these red-flag symptoms. 🚩

Do you have symptoms of stress?

How many symptoms do you have?

Take a look at the list of stress symptoms, count your symptoms, and keep reading.


a list of 50 different symptoms of stress


Red Flag Stress Symptoms


Here are 50 common symptoms that indicate someone is experiencing too much stress, cortisol levels are too high, and their nervous system is imbalanced. 🚩

They are:


  1. Muscle tension or pain
  2. Fatigue or exhaustion
  3. Sleep disturbances (insomnia or excessive sleep)
  4. Nightmares
  5. Having energy swings (tired all day, wide awake all night)
  6. Trouble falling asleep
  7. Digestive issues (nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea)
  8. Chronic bloating
  9. Changes in appetite (overeating or loss of appetite)
  10. Headaches or migraines
  11. Increased heart rate
  12. Dizziness or lightheadedness
  13. Chest pain or tightness
  14. Shortness of breath
  15. Irritability or mood swings
  16. Anxiety or restlessness
  17. Depression or feelings of sadness
  18. Difficulty concentrating
  19. Forgetfulness
  20. Lack of motivation
  21. Changes in libido
  22. Nail-biting
  23. Social withdrawal
  24. Increased ‘self-medicating’
  25. Crying spells
  26. Frequent illnesses or infections
  27. Skin problems (acne, eczema, psoriasis flare-ups)
  28. Hair loss
  29. Teeth grinding or jaw clenching
  30. Tense or aching jaw
  31. Changes in bowel habits (constipation or diarrhea)
  32. Excessive sweating
  33. Feelings of overwhelm
  34. Difficulty making decisions
  35. Heightened sensitivity to noise or light
  36. Excessive worrying or ruminating thoughts
  37. Sleeping with ‘T-rex’ arms
  38. Shaking or tapping of feet or hands
  39. Can’t sit still, always have to be doing something
  40. “Freeze” behaviors like scrolling on social media for hours, procrastination, lay in bed often
  41. Seek out stress in unconscious ways (post negative comments/’fight in comments online, watch dramatic shows, being addicted to social media, high screen time, toxic relationships/situationships)
  42. Changes in menstrual cycles for women
  43. Emotional / Binge Eating
  44. Constantly craving sugar or carbs
  45. Feeling Shaky
  46. Muscle spasms, especially in the eyelids
  47. Belly fat
  48. Chewing on the inside of your mouth
  49. Picking skin
  50. Unhealthy, impulsive coping skills like smoking, drug use, drinking, excessive eating, spending money, etc.


Stress symptoms are concerning due to their potential to harm both physical and mental well-being.

If you have more than 5 of the above stress symptoms you (most likely) have elevated cortisol levels and a dysregulated nervous system. 🚩🚩🚩

If so, you should try to reduce stress in your life, especially from your body, as soon as possible to avoid potential health issues.

Chronic stress & stress symptoms left untreated can (eventually) cause major health issues, including metabolic diseases, cardiovascular problems, hormone imbalances, digestive health disorders, weakened immunity, mental health disorders (like anxiety and depression), autoimmune diseases, and even cancer.

Stress also negatively affects cognitive function, relationships, and productivity, while also contributing to sleep disturbances and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Managing stress with effective coping strategies is crucial to prevent long-term consequences and to get the body back in balance so it’s easier to get fit, healthy, and feel good.

But that’s the problem… most ‘coping’ methods, like changing behavior (like diet), or removing stressors can cause more stress.  And general advice like ‘think positive’ does NOT remove stress, tension, trauma, and negative emotions from the body.

Somatic Exercises can help bring those levels down quickly and easily.

Somatic Exercises, involve using little-known strategic movements that can release tension, induce relaxation, dramatically lower cortisol levels, balance the nervous system, and alleviate the symptoms in just 4 weeks.  Learn more about Somatic Exercises here.

If you have more than 5 symptoms I encourage to you try them!  They’re downright delicious and make you feel a lot better in minutes.

Forever rooting for you!

Your Coach & Biggest Cheerleader,


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