Last Updated on April 11, 2024
Wondering why you have no energy, why you’re always tired, why you’re tired even though you’re getting enough sleep?
Fatigue, chronic fatigue, feeling tired, having no energy (despite drinking coffee and sleeping) are very common complaints and concerns when I work with clients one on one.
Do you struggle with fatigue and no energy? Do you feel tired regardless of how much you sleep or how much coffee you drink? You’re in the right place!
I’m digging deep into the 9 most common root causes of low / no energy. I’m also sharing my top tips to resolve the root causes of fatigue so you can feel energized and get your groove back. Let’s dig in!
Why You’re Always Tired
There are a TON of reasons why someone might experience low or no energy, wake up feeling tired despite having enough sleep, or always feel tired and unmotivated to do much. These reasons can be broadly categorized into 4 main categories, namely: physiological, psychological, lifestyle-related, and medical factors. I find that most of my clients experience a combination of more categories or root causes.
Here are the most common root causes for having low/no energy (in no particular order):
No Energy Root Cause 1 – Poor Sleep Quality
Obviously not sleeping will cause fatigue and affect energy levels. But most of my clients that struggle with energy ARE sleeping. But even if you’re getting enough hours of sleep, the quality of sleep matters. Factors like as sleep apnea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, pain, can and/or other sleep disorders can disrupt the sleep cycle, leading to inadequate rest. Other external factors like annoying sounds, uncomfortable bedding, or feeling unsafe in your sleep environment are also common causes of lackluster sleep. Irregular sleep schedules, excessive screen time before bed can also affect sleep quality and lead to fatigue.
Sleep is essential for maintaining optimal physical and mental health. During sleep, the body undergoes crucial processes such as tissue repair, muscle growth, and immune system regulation. Sleep also plays a vital role in cognitive function, memory consolidation, and emotional regulation, allowing the brain to process information and experiences from the day. Lack of sufficient sleep can impair judgment, concentration, and decision-making abilities, increasing the risk of accidents and errors. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to a range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, and mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. Therefore, prioritizing adequate and quality sleep is fundamental for overall well-being and functioning in daily life.
Solution: Get Enough, Deep “Quality” Sleep. “Quality” sleep is mandatory for physical and mental health. Quality sleep refers to a state of sleep that is deep, restorative, and allows the body and mind to fully recharge. To get quality sleep get at least 7-9 hours of deep, nonstop sleep per night. Use these 12 Tips for Better Sleep. Sleep is important to repair and recover especially if you’re dealing with any of the other root causes on this list. Also, if you’re getting enough quality sleep then it’s very likely that one or more of the following root causes below are the reason why…
No Energy Root Cause 2 – Stress and Anxiety (aka Nervous System Dysregulation)
Stress and anxiety (which is very stressful to the body) affects the nervous system, cortisol and melatonin levels which in turn can affect sleep. Long-term stress left uncheck can eventually lead to adrenal fatigue or burnout, resulting in persistent fatigue and energy issues. Other mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression can significantly impact energy levels. Constantly worrying or feeling overwhelmed can activate the nervous system and get you in a sympathetic ‘fight of flight’ state, which makes it difficult to sleep and causes fatigue and tiredness. Anxiety can keep the nervous system in an ‘activated’ state which. over time, makes it very difficult to feel energized regardless of how much sleep you get.
SOLUTION: Reduce stressors from this list of Types of Stress that affect Health most. But just removing stress isn’t always helpful because an activated nervous system typically stays imbalanced even after removing stressors because stress stays trapped in the body. You can balance the nervous system with breathing exercises, somatic exercises, and/or natural anxiety supplementation support. For this I recommend my Magic Moves Somatic Exercise Program because it includes both breathing and somatic exercise routines that reduce stress and balance the nervous system.
I also recommend supplementing with GABA. GABA (aka Gamma-aminobutyric acid) is a neurotransmitter in the brain that acts as an inhibitory signal, helping to regulate neuronal excitability, reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and facilitate sleep. Think of GABA like ‘nature’s Xanax’ It’ll make you feel calm and peaceful quickly and naturally without any dangerous side effects. This is the GABA supplement that I use, love and recommend most. Open the capsule and let it dissolve under your tongue and you’ll feel it working in approx. 10-25 minutes.
No Energy Root Cause 3 – Poor Diet (aka Nutrition Deficiency / Malabsorption)
Poor diet lacking essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals can contribute to fatigue. Skipping meals, inadequate hydration, or excessive consumption of caffeine and sugar affect energy levels. So can overeating because the body diverts energy to you and puts that energy towards digestion. Eating foods that aren’t suited for your Metabolic Type are also known to cause anxiety which can affect sleep. Excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns and effect energy especially if consumed close to bedtime.
Eating foods that are not suitable for your Metabolic Type can cause energy issues due to several reasons.
- First, mismatched foods for your type can lead to digestive discomfort and inefficient nutrient absorption, resulting in reduced energy production.
- Next, certain foods can cause spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, leading to fluctuations in energy levels throughout the day.
- Consuming foods that do not align with your Metabolic Type can trigger inflammation and stress responses in the body, further depleting energy resources.
- Finally, eating the wrong foods for your Metabolic Type can disrupt hormonal balance and impair metabolic processes, leading to feelings of fatigue and lethargy.
SOLUTION: Eat foods that are compatible with your Metabolic Type to optimize energy levels and overall well-being. Eating for your type ensures you have a higher chance of absorbing nutrients and avoiding issues that can cause issues with fatigue. I know for me personally that eating for my Metabolic Type dramatically reduced my anxiety and boosting energy levels a lot. Every time I eat foods that aren’t good for my Type I get wild anxiety and toss and turn.
No Energy Root Cause 4 – Sedentary Lifestyle
Lack of physical activity can lead to muscle weakness and decreased stamina, contributing to feelings of fatigue. This is very common!
Little to no exercise can cause fatigue several ways. Regular physical activity helps improve cardiovascular health, increases muscle strength and endurance, and actually increases energy levels. When you’re sedentary, you lose muscle strength and cardiovascular efficiency which results in fatigue and low energy as your body becomes less efficient at performing daily tasks. Exercise also stimulates the release of endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that promote feelings of well-being and reduce stress. Without regular exercise, the body produces fewer endorphins, contributing to feelings of fatigue and lethargy. A sedentary lifestyle is associated with poor sleep quality, which can further exacerbate feelings of fatigue and tiredness. So not exercising because you’re tired can actually make it worse.
SOLUTION: Exercise regularly… preferably in the morning! Exercise is very energizing and makes it easier to get deep, restful sleep. So by exercising in the morning you’ll boost energy throughout the day, manage stress better, and you’ll sleep better at night. Also, it’s best to avoid exercising within 3 hours of your bedtime to avoid disrupting sleep. My Workout Programs are designed so you’re getting enough exercise needed to maximize benefits – like metabolism, weight loss, and energy – without doing any hard, long, intense, and draining exercises. If your root cause of fatigue is caused by any of the following root causes, exercise will help reverse your fatigue symptoms tremendously!
No Energy Root Cause 5 – Hormonal Imbalances
Hormonal changes and imbalances due to pregnancy, menopause, high cortisol, and low melatonin thyroid disorders, or adrenal insufficiency can affect energy levels. Hormonal fluctuations, such as those that occur during menstrual cycles, pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid disorders, can disrupt the body’s normal physiological processes and affect energy regulation. For example, changes in estrogen and progesterone levels can influence neurotransmitter activity and alter sleep patterns, leading to poor sleep quality and daytime fatigue. Hormonal imbalances can impact metabolism, affecting how the body converts nutrients into energy. Thyroid hormones, for instance, play a crucial role in regulating metabolism, and an underactive or overactive thyroid can lead to fatigue and lethargy. Hormonal changes can affect mood and emotional well-being, leading to stress, anxiety, or depression, which can also contribute to fatigue. The complex interplay between hormones and various bodily systems can significantly influence energy levels, and addressing hormonal imbalances through lifestyle changes, medication, or hormone therapy may help alleviate fatigue.
SOLUTION: This depends on which hormones are imbalanced and what’s causing it but generally speaking, stress reduction, exercise, diet, and sleep are necessary to balance hormones and restore hormone production. Lifestyle habits like being too stress, not exercise, imbalanced diet, not eating for your metabolic type, and poor sleep can cause hormone issues and imbalances. Cycle syncing your workouts can help you stay on track with exercise in a way that works with your hormones.
No Energy Root Cause 6 – Allergies
Seasonal allergies or allergic reactions to certain foods or environmental factors like pollen, dander, or mold can cause fatigue and lethargy. Allergies can cause fatigue through several ways. When the body encounters an allergen, it triggers an immune response characterized by the release of inflammatory molecules such as histamine. This immune response is energetically costly and can lead to feelings of fatigue and malaise as the body allocates resources to combat the perceived threat. Also, allergies often result in symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, and itching, which can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to poor sleep quality. The use of antihistamine medications to manage allergy symptoms can have sedating effects and contribute to feelings of drowsiness and fatigue.
Solution: Unfortunately it’s not easy to avoid environmental allergens… unless you want to move but that isn’t always realistic. But getting an allergy test and then avoiding foods that trigger allergies will help. Also, reducing stress can really help reduce histamine reactions to foods because stress triggers the release of cortisol and cortisol increases histamine. So you can literally stress yourself into food reactions that make you tired. Avoiding stress is necessary if you have allergies and want to avoid making histamine reactions worse.
No Energy Root Cause 7 – Dehydration
Not consuming enough fluids can lead to dehydration, which can result in fatigue and decreased alertness. When the body doesn’t have enough fluids, blood volume decreases, which can lead to reduced blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues and organs, including the brain. This decreased oxygen supply can result in feelings of fatigue and lethargy.
Additionally, dehydration can impair the body’s ability to regulate body temperature, leading to overheating and increased energy expenditure as the body works harder to cool itself down. Dehydration can affect cognitive function and mood, leading to decreased alertness and concentration, further exacerbating feelings of fatigue.
Solution: Staying adequately hydrated is crucial for maintaining energy levels and overall well-being. Use my Water Intake Calculator to make sure you’re drinking enough.
No Energy Root Cause 8 – Pathogens
Pathogens, including bacterial infections, protozoa, amoebas, fungus, mold, and/or parasites, can affect energy in lots of ways. When the body is fighting off an infection or parasite, the immune system becomes activated, requiring a significant amount of energy to mount an effective response. This increased energy demand can lead to feelings of fatigue and lethargy as the body redirects resources to combat the invading pathogen(s). Additionally, pathogens often produce toxins or trigger inflammatory responses in the body, which can further drain energy reserves and contribute to feelings of malaise. Also, some pathogens directly target and damage cells or tissues involved in energy production, disrupting metabolic processes and further exacerbating fatigue. Pathogens can significantly impact energy levels, making rest, detoxification, and proper nutrition essential for recovery.
Solution: The first step is to see if you have the symptoms of parasites. If you do have symptoms, then you have to prepare the body by opening detox pathways. This involves removing as many sources of unnecessary toxins that you put on or in your body and then opening pathways via diet and supplementation. For this, I typically recommend my Reset Cleanse because it detoxes the body of toxic buildup. Then immediately transitioning into a more sustainable detox diet that helps clean up the body. Adding in supplementation that provides full body & cellular detox support is also necessary when dealing with pathogens. It takes specific minerals, herbs, and binders to do this that contain things you can’t get from food. The supplementation protocol that I use and recommend has pure, potent sources of all of the herbs, minerals, binders, and detox agents you need to get real-deal results SAFELY & NATURALLY. The products I recommend can only be purchased from a practitioner, like me.
To get access to be able to order them you first have to have a practitioner code to be able to order products. You can create your account here. Use Patient Direct Code: dW7NRP9q to create an account and also to be able to place an order. After you create your account, next, order the Phase 1 Detox Kit. It has everything you need to start cleaning out your cells and symptoms. A gigantic surge of energy is one of the first side effects you’ll feel once you start taking the protocol.

No Energy Root Cause 9 – An Overburdened Liver
An overloaded liver can contribute to energy issues because the liver plays a crucial role in detoxification, breaking down toxins, metabolic waste products, and medications. When the liver becomes overwhelmed due to factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, a poor diet high in processed foods, chemicals, and refined sugars, exposure to environmental toxins, or certain medications, its detoxification capacity may become compromised. As a result, toxins and metabolic byproducts can accumulate in the body and cells. Energy is produced in cells so when they’re overloaded with toxins it leads to systemic inflammation and oxidative stress, which can contribute to fatigue and low/no energy. An overloaded liver may struggle to effectively metabolize nutrients, leading to imbalances in blood sugar levels and energy production and issues. Liver dysfunction can impair the synthesis of proteins and other essential molecules needed for energy metabolism, further contributing to fatigue.
Solution: First, see if you have the symptoms of being overly toxic. Then, remove as many sources of unnecessary toxins that you put on or in your body. It’s also a good idea to do a full body detox quarterly. My Reset Cleanse detoxes the body of toxic buildup. You can lose up to 10 pounds in 7 days. I always start my one on one clients off with a detox and they’re always shocked by how much their energy skyrockets. It also makes it easier to absorb nutrients and lose weight after you’re done, too.
If you struggle with fatigue the root cause is one this list. I also want to note that autoimmune diseases can contribute to fatigue… but the most common root causes of autoimmune diseases are listed above.
Feeling fatigue is a huge sign that your body is asking for help! Use the tips above to give your body the support it needs and you’ll be glad you did.
What do you think causes your energy issues?
Let me know in the comments. I know seasonal allergies hit me hardest. But every time I detox and do somatic exercises I feel SO much better and more energized.
Your Coach & Biggest Cheerleader,
PS. All of the above are root causes of metabolic dysfunction. If you have metabolic dysfunction it’s almost impossible to feel energized. When your metabolism is functioning properly you won’t have any symptoms and you naturally feel energized. Take my Metabolic Analysis and Training to learn more about what’s going on and how to fix it.
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