Last Updated on March 19, 2020
Just about every woman I know wants to know how to lose thigh fat… and just about every single blog post and thigh workout I found online was pure garbage. As someone who’s actually lost thigh fat (40 pounds total), turned fitness professional, I wanted to show you how you can, too.
If you’re struggling to trim down your thighs, this week’s episode of CCtv is for you! In this video I explain how to lose thigh fat plus, I share some of the best thigh-slimming exercises in a complete workout routine that really works.
How to Lose Thigh Fat
If you’d like to take the thunder out of your thighs, you’re going to love it.
Workout for Thigh Fat
- First, warm-up for 5-10 minutes with light cardio and some leg stretches.
- To do this entire workout, do each of the following thigh exercises until you feel the burn… once you feel the burn do 5 more to complete one set.
- You’ll need to do 3 full sets of each thigh exercise to complete the workout.
- For the best results, pair this thigh workout routine alone with my fat burning Total Transformation program.
- Avoid doing this workout more than one time a week.
Pin this thigh workout to Pinterest so you’ll have it forever
Exercises to Lose Thigh Fat
Alphabet Tracers
Lie on your back with your arms by your sides. Begin by pointing with your left foot, as if reaching out with your toes toward the ceiling. Start tracing the alphabet onto the ceiling with your toes, moving your whole leg, but keeping your hips still. Don’t lift your left hip off the floor. Continue tracing the alphabet until you’re done with the letter ‘Z’. You can do upper or lower case letters… print or cursive – it doesn’t matter. When you’re done, switch legs and repeat the alphabet on the other side to complete one set. Take a break if you need to!
Plié Squat
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed out. Hold your abs in tight and inhale as you lower your booty straight down, keeping your upper body upright. Lower until your butt is in line with your knees, then exhale and push up to the start position to complete one rep. You can do these while holding a weight (as pictured) or with body weight only. Do as many as you can until you feel the burn… once you feel the burn do 5 more to complete one set.
Curtsey Lunge
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale and take your left leg back and across behind your right leg, as lunge down in a ‘curtsey’ motion, making sure your knee doesn’t extend past your toes. Exhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat the same motion on the opposite side, crossing your right leg back and behind your left leg. Do as many as you can until you feel the burn… once you feel the burn do 5 more to complete one set.
Table Top Cross Overs
Get on your hands and knees with your arms and legs spaced shoulder-width apart. Extend your leg out to the side with your toes pointed. Keep your core tight and in one fluid motion, pull your leg back and up across your body with a small kick at the end, then immediately return to the start position. Do as many as you can until you feel the burn… once you feel the burn do 5 more to complete one set. Repeat the same number of reps with each leg to complete your set.
Pulsing Leg Lifts
You can do pulsing leg lifts lying on your back, from your side (inner and outer thighs), from a tabletop position or standing. Pulse your legs up and down with pointed and flexed toes. Do as many as you can until you feel the burn then start counting to 10 (for beginners) up to 30+… or as many as you can do while maintaining proper form. Do the same number of reps with both legs to complete your set.
Scissor Kicks
Lie face up on the floor with your arms at sides, palms down and legs extended. Point your toes and lift your legs about 6 inches off of the ground. Quickly open and close your legs, crossing the right thigh over the left and then reversing the movement. ‘Scissor your legs’ as you lift them up and lower then back down to about 6 inches off the floor without touching the ground. Continue scissoring legs until you feel the burn… once you feel the burn do 5 more to complete one set.
Stability Ball Leg Circles
Lie back on the mat with your arms by your sides and your palms facing down. Begin by placing a stability ball between your feet, holding it in place with your ankles and squeezing together. Extend the ball straight up as pictured. Breathe and start rotating the ball in circles keeping your hips still. Only your ankles should move the ball and your core should be tight to help you control the movement. Avoid lifting your hips off the floor. Do as many as you can until you feel the burn… once you feel the burn do 5 more to complete one set.
That’s it! When you’re done with this workout, leave me a comment and let me know if you felt the burn!
TIP: For the best possible results, follow a meal plan and a complete full body training program. If you need help I’ve got you covered.

Results using my Total Transformation Program You’ll get noticeable results in DAYS not weeks!! Guaranteed.
This workout only works if you work it, so work it.
YOU are so worth it!
Your Coach and Biggest Cheerleader
P.S. If you like this workout, you’re going to LOVE my Lazy Girl Thigh workout. You can do it in bed 🙂
Any recommendations for a warmup before this? I’m naturally thin but have never been able to stick to a workout routine because I get tired after running for less than a minute (it’s sad, I know) and I have to catch my breath after even sprinting up a small flight of stairs in the house. I know you’re not supposed to stretch/workout with cold muscles so that’s why I’m asking. 🙂 Glad I found your blog !
Hi Erin! Check this out:: I think you’ll find it very helpful <3
I love it, It looks great!!!
I have seen your video, I am going to start your slim thigh workout from today and comment again after a month with my results. But I need the diet plan to reduce thigh fat that u mentioned in the video.
Hi! The diet plan I’m talking about is my Total Transformation Program. You can learn more and get started here:
Hi Christina just seen your video in Pinterest I really need to slim down. My thighs are my main area problem. I just need to stick to a regimen and eat clean. Help help!
Hi Jesse
If you want to slim down all over proper nutrition is very important too. I’d recommend my Total Transformation program. It has a complete nutrition & workout program. It tones the body faster than all of my other programs & content, too. Here’s a link to learn more and get started.
There are tons of inner thigh exercises on the internet and trainers say warn to be careful when choosing a program for us. because some of those may result in bulky thighs rather than slim ones. I wonder what type of exercises may lead to this problem?
Weight training exercises that use heavy weights and low reps build bulky thighs… my workouts don’t use heavy weights to prevent bulk. Check out this post where I explain how to get lean legs.
Yes be careful because I was useing those resistance bands I had one I was useing for a few weeks in I fitted in to my skirts perfect I was so pleased , then that band broke so I used my other one that was a bit tighter anyway now I can’t fit into my skirts my thighs and ass are bulked up 🙁 I don’t know if I can reverse it .
If you bulked up using a resistance band that’s a body type and/or diet thing… not the workout FYI.
Am looking for lose my thigh, thank you for your post!!
will this give me a thigh gap?*
That depends on if your hips/leg joints are designed to gap. But the exercise in this workout will help you lose fat in your thighs when used in conduction with a meal plan and complete weight training and cardio program. It works if you work it!
hi may i know how many reps for each? thanks
I explain in the video… but a good rule of thumb is to go until you feel the burn… then once you feel the burn do 5 more. xo
Hello Christina! I saw your wonderful video and I was wondering if you have any cardio videos or any that you recommend??
All of my workouts would technically be considered cardio if you take little rest between sets.
Try this one, I think you’ll like it xo
Great exercises! I just tried a few and feel the burn – also appreciate the video so I can make sure I’m doing it right
Love love your videos. So helpful!
Awwwwwww Yay! I’m so happy that you find them useful.
You are so inspiring, can’t wait to get started.
Thank you xo
Very absulute good body work out. But i have back and knee pain because of savior arteritis. I’ll try my best
how do you get rid of back fat and side fat ?
Hi Nidia! Check out this post and video I made. It explains everything : ) I know it will help you
It seems that your workout will finally help me and motivate me . Thank you very mych
Yay! You’re welcome <3
I have a thigh gap, but I’m unhappy with my hips….they started to kinda grow and don’t like that, so I was wondering if I started doing those exercises will my hips slim down and will my thigh gap get bigger or will it make me look more buff ? also do they help for “banana rolls”, because that’s another problem I’m facing… 🙁
I’d recommend following a meal plan and complete, full body workout program to target the fat in those areas. If you need help, click here::
Hi Christina!
Nice tips… Is it only tailored for women? Though i will suggest to my wife… but does these works for men?
They work for everyone 🙂 You should try doing them together.
They worked great for me I do them 3 times a week ?????
Hey!! I really loved your video! Thanks!
Just one thing..can I use something instead of a stability ball to do leg circles?
You could use ankle weights : )
Ok..thanks a lot!! These workouts are really helping me!
I want to grow the muscles in my legs and these workouts would be perfect. Squats are really not for me, good thing I found these.
THis lazy girl workout in bed sounds right up my alley! Everything else I’ve been reading says high instensity cardio. I’ll give yours a whirl and love the alphabet idea! Can’t wait to try it.
Hey! So I’m invited to a graduation pool party in a month, and I’m not really heavy, but I do have some excess thigh fat that I would like to get rid of (my thighs are somewhat chunky), like a lot of other girls I know. If I eat right, do these exercises, and do cardio every day for a month ’till the party, do you think that I could get lean and slim thighs? Let me know! Thanks! And how many reps would you recommend?
Yep! It will definitely help! The rep count rules are in the video and the blog post. xo
Hi. I’m graduating college this year, and I have this amazing dress, but it’s tight around the thigh area. Do you think with hard work and multiple reps of these exercises, I could lose a lot of my thigh fat and develop lean and tone legs? Thanks
Yep! These exercises/the rep count/set strategy are designed to slim down the legs not build bulk. xo
Is there a way to lose fat above the knee and in the upper thigh area?
Yep! Cardio, a complete weight training split, and following a meal plan will help a lot!
I always get knee pain by doing pile squat or lunges .what should i do?help me please!!?
Are you hyperextending your knees past your toes?
Very informative post, I didn’t know many exercises you talked about. Thank you xo
Hey Christina, how often do you recommend these exercises per week. After the first day of a leg workout, my whole body is sore and I can’t even sit on the toilet without using my hands for assistance 🙁
I love this! I also want to thank you Christina. I’ve lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks using your program. your awesome
Thank you for this amazing post, iv’e found your article very interesting.
Thanks xo
Very nice and informative article. Nice exercises explained to get rid of thigh fat.
Thanks for the help.
You’re welcome xo
Hi! I am using the thigh adductor machine at the gym to try and tone my inner thighs. Would that be a good workout to add to this workout or would it bulk my inner thighs instead?
Bulking comes from using heavy weights and overeating calories… If you want to get tight, toned, and tiny use my Total Transformation Program! You can get started here::
Hey there, I just wanted to say you have done a fantastic job with your workouts, programs and websites. I’ve never found a more professional, straightforward trainer online that actually gets me results. Thank you so much for all that you do.
Thank you so much!! That means the world to me. xo CC
Happy New Year! I decided to try this workout today. It’s great! Feeling the burn just after one set. I’m going to try to do this 2-3 times a week as an “extra credit” workout for about 6 months. I’m excited because I can literally do it while watching TV 🙂
YESSSSS! You just made my day! Thanks so much for your comment! xo
How long would you need to do it for to see a change
That depends on how you’re eating… if you wanna see results asap check out my programs.
This blog about How to Lose Thigh Fat helps me a lot in my diet.
Commentt Great workout
Thank you : ) If you loved this one you’ll LOVE my programs. My programs are 1000% better than my free content.
How come you recommend only to do the workout once per week?
Because I’m a results-oriented coach and doing the same thing over and over causes adaptation and stalls progress. My programs explain more and will get you results 3 times faster than my free blog routines.