Last Updated on January 27, 2019

We’ve all seen the pics of celebrities without make-up that would scare small children. Fortunately, most of us don’t have the paparazzi following us around to snap us when we are looking our worst. This doesn’t make it any less important to look after our skin, not just to look but to feel better.  Below you’ll find 7 Ways How you Can Look Good Naturally Without Make Up.

How to Look Good without Makeup

Keep Away from Sodium, Caffeine, and Alcohol

Or if you can’t keep away then at least moderate your intake.

Alcohol dehydrates your body, including your skin. It is also believed that drinking too much alcohol can rob your skin of vital vitamins and nutrients. Remember this next time you are reaching for that second glass of pinot grigio, and grab a glass of water or milk instead.

It’s not just alcohol that has a detrimental effect of your skin; coffee – a –holics can also have problems due to the caffeine which with long term intake can lead to sleep deprivation, which in turn affects the quality of your skin. Coffee and tea also contain tannin which blocks the pores of cells preventing nutrients from getting to them.

how to look good naturally without makeup christina carlyle cup of coffee
Although sodium is an essential part of the human diet too much of it can cause bloating and redness in the face due to water retention. It also de-hydrates the skin which can lead to cracks and excessive oil production to compensate, which in turn brings about those dreaded spots.

Try not to Stress

This may be easier said than done but you really do need to take time in your day to relax and take a breath.

When your body is stressed it produces more cortisol, a hormone which brings about the creation of more oil from the sebaceous glands, leading to increased skin breakouts. To make matters worse stress can also make it harder for skin problems to heal, and can make you less likely to carry out your skin care procedures. Excess cortisol in your system triggers fat storage in your core area and can lead to a stubborn muffin top and love handles. Ugh!

Water, Water, Everywhere So Let’s All Have a Drink

Drinking water has many health benefits, not least those it has on your skin. If you don’t drink sufficient water each day your body retains the supply and your skin can become red, blotchy, and dry. Worse still those much-hated bags can appear under your eyes. So it’s worth all of those trips to the bathroom to keep your skin looking and feeling good.

glass of water how to look good naturally without makeup christina carlyle

The Problem with Processed Foods

Processed foods contain sugars that can contribute to the occurrence of candida. This yeast infection can in turn, lead to infections of the skin which are identifiable from purple rashes, flakiness, cracking and scaling.

Remember that the additives in processed foods do not have any nutritional value; they are there for preservation and taste. It is far better to keep the fruit bowl topped up.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

How many of us come in after a night out, fall asleep in full make-up, and wake up looking like a shot out version of Tammy Faye Bakker. This is not good for anyone’s skin; even if you’ve had one too many cocktails you should always take off your make-up before going to sleep; use specialized eye make-up remover. Luke Warm water is fine for removing make-up, you should never wash your face in hot or cold water.

tammy_faye_bakker how to look good naturally without makeup christina carlyle
A good moisturizing regime is essential, you should always cleanse and moisturize your skin at least once a day; be careful not to over cleanse. Again lukewarm water, not using normal body soap, is good for your face.

Protect Yourself with Sunscreen

Sunscreen is not just for people who are lying on a beach, each day exposed parts of your skin are at risk from the sun’s rays. Sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 offer ideal protection.

Some people have an obsession with being tanned, but too much sun exposure doesn’t only age your skin, it makes it feel like leather. More importantly, you also increase your risk of developing skin cancer. The best solution is to limit your exposure and embrace your natural skin tone; or if you are really desperate stick to the fake baking.

If you are venturing out splash on the sunscreen.

Sleep, Perfect Sleep

Getting enough sleep is vital to the health of the human body overall, especially the REM patterns of sleep that people experience at various intervals through the night. It is during this sleep that human cells rebuild. Lack of sleep can also leave you feeling stressed which expands the capillaries and prevents nutrients getting to your skin leaving it looking dull and lackluster.

If you want to keep your skin looking good without having to wear make-up you need to do everything you can to take good care of it from the inside out.

Heads up, your skin can take longer to clear up if you have toxic buildup, hormone imbalances or metabolic dysfunction happening… I developed my free metabolic profile to let you know if you have anything working against you (your health and ability to lose weight) and your skin.  If you already suspect that you do, I’d strongly recommend trying my Reset Cleanse… it helps Reset your body which will help your skin get more clear, and it helps reverse the signs of aging, hydrate dry skin, and glow.

It works, if you work it!



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How to Look Good Naturally without Makeup - Christina Carlyle