Last Updated on July 28, 2019

How you feel when someone talks badly about your weight…


Boy, it’s brutal!!

Whether it’s coming from a bully, stranger, acquaintance, family member or significant other – hearing nasty, negative comments others have made about your body can result in some of the most painful feelings e-v-e-rrrrrrr.

Those feelings can keep you stuck, miserable and running to the foods (and booze) that only make matters worse.

A lot of people offer cliché advice on how to deal with bullies when they take jabs at you and your appearance…

Stay classy and take the high road!

Pray for them!

They’re just jealous!

They’re just insecure and taking it out on you!

Easier said than done, right?

How to Use a Hater’s Hate to Lose Weight


But what if there was a method for using the icky feelings in a way that could give you both the clarity and the courage to move forward, motivated and inspired to make healthier choices?

That’s exactly what you’ll learn in today’s brand spankin’ new episode of CCTV…. how to use a bully’s mean words as motivation.

You’ll learn the simple steps on how to use a hater’s hate to lose weight. It’s a simple and effective step-by-step process that will help you protect yourself, before you wreck yourself and use your hater’s hate and use it to, make progress towards your dreams in a thoughtful and strategic way. It’s actually the exact same way I used nasty, hate to become a weight loss success story.

I think you’ll find a slightly different perspective on being at the receiving end of nasty negative comments that may both surprise you and give you a new way to get motivated to lose weight.

When you’re done watching, I’d love to hear how you feel and if this video helped you.  Please take a minute to leave a comment and share your thoughts and feelings.  It’s quite therapeutic to put your feelings on ‘paper’.


And don’t ever forget… You are amazing. You are loved. You are talented, special and one-of-a-kind. You deserve to be happy, healthy and fit.

It’s a straight up honor to be your coach and biggest cheerleader.

With so much love,




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How to use hate to motivate you to lose weight