Last Updated on January 18, 2024

This Lazy Girl Arm Workout will help you get toned arms without a lot of effort so you can get toned arms even when you’re feeling lazy.  I’ve gone for periods of time and I feel addicted to exercise. It’s no prob-Bob.

I put on the yoga pants and sneakers. I grab my water and keys. I workout. I do my thing. I sweat. I feel accomplished and glad I get to check it off of my to-do list and I get on with my day feeling awesome.

Then some days I want NOTHING to do with workouts. Usually, it’s because I’m in pain because my back and knee injuries are flaring up.  Sometimes I feel unmotivated, lazy or just straight up don’t feel like working out.


Lazy gif meme




I know should exercise…  Heck, I’m a personal trainer and fitness coach for crying out loud.

And as a coach EVERY SINGLE PERSON I’ve ever worked with feels the exact same way.  If you do, too… girlfriend, you’re in the right place.

That’s exactly why I created my lazy girl workout routines. They’re perfect for the days when you know you need to workout, but don’t feel like it or you’re struggling with motivation.

Today I’m sharing an easy, yet effective Lazy Girl Arm Workout.  This workout is great for days you’re feeling lazy but want to tighten and tone your arms. This is one of several lazy girl workouts, the others are linked for you below… keep reading 😉 




When it comes to training the arms it’s best to use different exercises that use multidirectional movements.  When you strategically combine the right kinds of movements into one workout, you can train all of the muscles in the arms in one session.

When you do all of the muscle fibers suck in tight like a corset.  HINT: That’s what this arm workout does and why it’s so awesome!

The arm exercises in this lazy girl workout routine help boost metabolism and energy so you can lose weight and feel great.

The best thing about this workout you can do the entire routine laying down on your back!  You can do this from bed if you want!  If you don’t like exercise (or flabby arms) you’re going to love this lazy girl arm workout.

See me demo the exercises for you in this video below.



How to do this Lazy Girl Arm Workout


  • Warm up with some light stretches, first.  HINT:  If you become a CC VIP, you’ll get a free stretching guide.
  • There are 6 exercises in this arm workout.
  • Do each exercise 15 times, to complete one full round, or set.
  • Quickly move onto the next exercise, taking little to no rest between the moves.
  • Do 3 full sets to complete the workout.
  • BONUS POINTS:  If it feels too easy, do 4 sets.

When you’re done, leave me a comment and let me know if you felt the burn.


Lazy Arm Workout being done by Trainer Christina Carlyle

Pin this Lazy Arm Workout to Pinterest so you’ll have it forever.


Lazy Arm Exercises Instructions


Lazy Girl Chest Fly Exercise being done by trainer Christina Carlyle

Lazy Chest Fly

Lie on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Lift your arms straight up over your chest, with a slight bend in your elbows. This is your start position. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows lower your arms out to the side in a wide arc until your hands are a few inches above the floor.  Pause then return your arms back to the start position, to complete one rep.


Lazy Girl Side Curl Exercise being done by trainer Christina Carlyle
Lazy Chest Press

Lie on your back with a dumbbell in each hand with your elbows out and knuckles up. This is your start position. Exhale as you push the dumbbells up, all the way. Hold for a second and then inhale and slowly lower the weight back down to the start position to complete one rep.


Trainer Christina Carlyle doing a Skullcrusher Lazy Girl Exercise


Lie on your back. Extend your arms straight up while holding dumbbells tightly. This will be your start position. Inhale and lower the weight down until it’s just above your face. Exhale and lift the weight back up to the starting position. Contract the triceps hard at the top of the movement for a second to complete one rep.


Trainer Christina Carlyle doing a Lazy Girl Around the World Exercise
Overhead Pulldown

Lie down on your back with your feet firmly placed on the floor. Hold your dumbbells together and lift them up over your chest. Inhale and slowly lower the weights back and down until your arms are by your ears. Without letting the weights touch the floor, exhale and slowly lift the weights back up to the starting position to complete one rep.


Trainer Christina Carlyle on her back doing a Lazy Side Curl Arm Exercise

Laying Side Curls

Lie on your back while holding a pair of dumbbells out by your sides with your wrists facing up. This is your start position. Exhale and curl the dumbbells up towards your chest as far as you can without touching your chest. Inhale and slowly lower the weight back down to the start position to complete one rep.


Trainer Christina Carlyle laying doing a lazy around the world arm exercise

Lazy Around the Worlds

Lie on your back with dumbbells in each hand up overhead with palms facing up. This is your start position. Exhale and lift your arms up, overhead, then down until they’re about an inch above the floor. Inhale as you return the weights back up to the start position to complete one rep.


For the best results, I recommend doing this arm workout one time a week along with my other lazy girl workouts (linked below.)

These are reserved for lazy days… not every day.  BUT if you’re a beginner they’re ok!

If your arms make you feel insecure about going sleeveless check out these (less lazy) arm workouts from my blog::

What’d you think about this workout?   Let me know in the comments.

It only works if you work it, so work it.  YOU are so worth it!

Your Coach and Biggest Cheerleader




If you loved this workout, then you’ll love my other Lazy Workout routines, too!  Check them out!

       ♥  Full Body Workout

♥  Thigh Workout

♥  Ab Workout

  Tricep Workout

 Leg Workout


P.P.S. If you love my Lazy Girl workout, you’ll love the Lazy Girl Exercise Program. Stop working out harder than you have to and start getting better results.

Lazy Girl Exercise Program Results


Don’t forget to pin this workout to Pinterest so you’ll have it forever.

trainer Christina Carlyle doing 6 arm exercises on her back and text that says Lazy Girl Arm Workout you Can Do in Bed